Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I attended an elementary catholic school in a foreign country in which we had to take a religion class called bible studies for one hour three days a week. I admit back then I wasn’t thrilled about that class but now a young adult I am thankful that I had taken that class. I understand that religion in schools has always been a controversial topic in our government since the ink on the constitution was wet to the present. This is a delicate subject that should be handled carefully in order to work.

Texas legislative has said that is was ok for schools to offer a Bible course as an elective. In this editorial the author argues what kind of teaching will be allowed in this elective. “What you probably don't want is any explicit religious teaching, like how your child should follow Jesus' commandment to make disciples of all nations” the author states. The author hopes that a clear standard of what can be taught or shouldn’t be in this elective be designed by the government. The author is probably a parent and is clearly appealing to other parents concerned about their children’s schools curriculum. The author understands that a child’s elementary to high school years are very sensitive and if a strong subject like bible course is introduced into their curriculum it should be controlled well. The author is clearly for a bible course elective but is aware that in the wrong hands it can lead to disaster. I strongly agree with the author because if I were a parent I would like for my child to engage in a bible course activity like I did without being wrongly influenced.

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