Friday, March 13, 2009

Gov Perry rejects $550 million in aid

This Fox news coverage is about Governor Rick Perry rejecting the $550 million of federal stimulus money for expanding state unemployment benefits. This article shows that although Gov Perry was one of the governors that protested against President Obama's $787 billion stimulus bill, he has willingly accepted most of the $17 billion allocated to Texas. He refuses to accept this $550 million because he sees it as a potential tax burden to employers and small businesses, accepting this money would forces the state to increase tax burden on businesses. If you ask me, If we reject this $550 million it will be passed to other states that will be more than happy to accept them and I cant really connect how this will benefit Texas. Unemployment is on the rise, Texas is loosing money but yet we have the audacity to reject money that could benefit our unemployed citizens. I encourage everyone to read this article because in a couple of years precisely 2012 we will know if this was a well crafted calculated political move or simply the wisdom of a good leader concerned about the well being of his people.

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