Saturday, May 16, 2009

Response to Lone Star

I agree with Chase, Obama has been put in such rough position and the right wing needs to give him a break. I am tired of CNN, MSNBC and especially Fox News just to name a few, sitting on their butts and giving the president all sorts of nonsense grades. This whole idea of grading the presidents first100 days is just a screaming propaganda of news media hurting for ratings. Any competent and average intelligent journalist knows that it takes a lot more than 100 days to discover if a president has been effective or not. But yet they continue with their charade.

Swine Flu Phenonenal

The article I read from Houston Chronicle discusses the spread of the swine flu. Swine flu has become a phenomenal in United States almost like that English sensational singer lady from “Britain got Talent.” The swine flu is talked about almost in every news network on T.V, warning viewers about the extreme danger of the flu and special ways to stay protected. It got so crazy that even at my work, we had a meeting showing power point slides of how to wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. The article I read shed some light in explaining the swine flu phenomenal and how it has yet affected the nation and includes the cases happening in Texas. According to the article it states that “About half of people recently testing positive for the flu have the new swine flu virus” That is an absolutely staggering fact, this shows how deep the swine flu penetrated. In Unites states alone there are 4,700 confirmed cases of swine flu, 173 hospitalization and four deaths. The fifth us death that attributed to the swine flu was a native Texan. Since this flu is traced to Mexico, this puts Texas in weak position because they are prone to carry it. Researchers have not necessary figured how to effectively control the flu. Parents and students filled with panic has resulted in countless schools being closed in Texas. If you paid attention to the my earlier statistics you will realize that the swine flu isn’t dangerous as most think. In reality I think the Swine Flu is just as severe as a regular flu.

Response to Tejas

I agree with my classmate Kevin Phan, gambling should be permitted in Texas. It makes absolute no sense for Texas to allow Texans go to Border States like Oklahoma and Louisiana to throw away their money when they could as well throw it away in Texas. In doing so, they contribute economically in tax contributions and employment. By the ways what is Texas trying to achieve by their strict stand against gambling. If we have citizens that bent on gambling and that are how they enjoy their selves, I see no reason to deprive them from doing this in Texas.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ultrasound Bill

Abortion has always been a controversial topic throughout United States. Part of the reason is that it deals with the right of a mother and the right of the unborn; which right is supreme? Not too long ago a Texas state Senator Dan Patrick introduced bill 182 also known as the ultra sound bill. This bill would amend the current Texas Women Right to Know act, which was passed in 2003. This bill will give women the opportunity to see their ultra sound before making the critical decision of abortion. The woman may choose to decline viewing the ultrasound but will be required to sign a form stating she was given the opportunity. Many might view the bill as a tactic to persuade women from abortion; well that is sole the purpose of this bill. Although I am neither pro life nor pro choice I have full support for this bill. I see nothing wrong with providing a potential mother with as much information she will need to make one of the most important decision of her life. Yes it’s true a woman that has thought rigorously about her decision and has her mind made up may go through with the abortion and that is okay. What about the young vulnerable teenager who isn’t aware and is clouded with pressure, fear and uncertainty. This could be their moment of clarity. Then the woman who is not so sure, would have liked to have the baby but needs something extraordinary to confirm her faith. An ultrasound might do it for her. I might be wrong but I just don’t buy into the idea that everyone who walks into an abortion clinic are hundred percent ready and has considered all alternatives. I am in favor of giving women choice but also give them all the tools and resources they may need to make the right choice. This bill would place women in better position to make such a life changing decision. There about 74,000 abortions done in Texas annually. Keep in mind I have never heard or seen a mother say “ oh I wish I had done abortion instead of having him or her.” One thing I am sure this bill would do is save live that wasn’t meant for abortion.

Warehouse District

Being that I visit the Austin downtown area at least six times a month as some sort of ritual, I was glad when I stumbled upon an Austin Contrarian blog article that was about the downtown area; The Warehouse District to be precise. The article was written by Chris Bradford on behalf of the forum he attended in which they discussed the topic: What to do with the Warehouse District? The dilemma is should the Warehouse District be preserved from development on the grounds of it being an historic district and if not what are the alternatives? Bradford made it clear that he is against preserving the upscale warehouse district as an historic district. Instead he favors redevelopment. Bradford offers four possible options of what the city of Austin will do: They can preserve it as an historic district, allow redevelopment but reuse of façades, allow redevelopment but impose special design and standards or allow unfettered redevelopment. The author expresses that he loves the idea of a redeveloped Warehouse District that is subjected to special design standards. Although this would take much time, money and require intense planning opposed to the idea of unfettered redevelopment he believes it will be worthwhile in the end.

I have always found it intriguing how Austin merges college life, night life, entertainment, business and politics into downtown without conflicting. I guess it could be part of the “keep Austin weird” factor. I believe this article targets Austinites who are concerned deeply about their city and take great interest in the downtown area. True to its name, the restaurants and clubs in Warehouse District have been renovated from former warehouses to upscale, trendy restaurants, concert halls and clubs. I wonder if that is a strong reason to name it an historic district. The Warehouse District is an important element of Austin’s culture, entertainment and nightlife. Besides that it caters to a young but more mature professional unlike the wild six street that is dominated by college students. The Warehouse District projects an elegant and upscale side of Austin night life. This district is not a museum and serves no historic purpose besides the fact that it was once occupied by dusty old warehouses that were renovated to luxurious bars and clubs that everybody liked. The redevelopment will make use of dead space and enhance the district. I agree with Bradford, if redevelopment will add value to Austin, bring in tax revenue and employ Austin citizens then why not. I don’t understand why people are so afraid of change even when it is good. I say keep Austin weird but Warehouse district elegant.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I attended an elementary catholic school in a foreign country in which we had to take a religion class called bible studies for one hour three days a week. I admit back then I wasn’t thrilled about that class but now a young adult I am thankful that I had taken that class. I understand that religion in schools has always been a controversial topic in our government since the ink on the constitution was wet to the present. This is a delicate subject that should be handled carefully in order to work.

Texas legislative has said that is was ok for schools to offer a Bible course as an elective. In this editorial the author argues what kind of teaching will be allowed in this elective. “What you probably don't want is any explicit religious teaching, like how your child should follow Jesus' commandment to make disciples of all nations” the author states. The author hopes that a clear standard of what can be taught or shouldn’t be in this elective be designed by the government. The author is probably a parent and is clearly appealing to other parents concerned about their children’s schools curriculum. The author understands that a child’s elementary to high school years are very sensitive and if a strong subject like bible course is introduced into their curriculum it should be controlled well. The author is clearly for a bible course elective but is aware that in the wrong hands it can lead to disaster. I strongly agree with the author because if I were a parent I would like for my child to engage in a bible course activity like I did without being wrongly influenced.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Gov Perry rejects $550 million in aid

This Fox news coverage is about Governor Rick Perry rejecting the $550 million of federal stimulus money for expanding state unemployment benefits. This article shows that although Gov Perry was one of the governors that protested against President Obama's $787 billion stimulus bill, he has willingly accepted most of the $17 billion allocated to Texas. He refuses to accept this $550 million because he sees it as a potential tax burden to employers and small businesses, accepting this money would forces the state to increase tax burden on businesses. If you ask me, If we reject this $550 million it will be passed to other states that will be more than happy to accept them and I cant really connect how this will benefit Texas. Unemployment is on the rise, Texas is loosing money but yet we have the audacity to reject money that could benefit our unemployed citizens. I encourage everyone to read this article because in a couple of years precisely 2012 we will know if this was a well crafted calculated political move or simply the wisdom of a good leader concerned about the well being of his people.