Saturday, May 16, 2009

Response to Lone Star

I agree with Chase, Obama has been put in such rough position and the right wing needs to give him a break. I am tired of CNN, MSNBC and especially Fox News just to name a few, sitting on their butts and giving the president all sorts of nonsense grades. This whole idea of grading the presidents first100 days is just a screaming propaganda of news media hurting for ratings. Any competent and average intelligent journalist knows that it takes a lot more than 100 days to discover if a president has been effective or not. But yet they continue with their charade.

Swine Flu Phenonenal

The article I read from Houston Chronicle discusses the spread of the swine flu. Swine flu has become a phenomenal in United States almost like that English sensational singer lady from “Britain got Talent.” The swine flu is talked about almost in every news network on T.V, warning viewers about the extreme danger of the flu and special ways to stay protected. It got so crazy that even at my work, we had a meeting showing power point slides of how to wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. The article I read shed some light in explaining the swine flu phenomenal and how it has yet affected the nation and includes the cases happening in Texas. According to the article it states that “About half of people recently testing positive for the flu have the new swine flu virus” That is an absolutely staggering fact, this shows how deep the swine flu penetrated. In Unites states alone there are 4,700 confirmed cases of swine flu, 173 hospitalization and four deaths. The fifth us death that attributed to the swine flu was a native Texan. Since this flu is traced to Mexico, this puts Texas in weak position because they are prone to carry it. Researchers have not necessary figured how to effectively control the flu. Parents and students filled with panic has resulted in countless schools being closed in Texas. If you paid attention to the my earlier statistics you will realize that the swine flu isn’t dangerous as most think. In reality I think the Swine Flu is just as severe as a regular flu.

Response to Tejas

I agree with my classmate Kevin Phan, gambling should be permitted in Texas. It makes absolute no sense for Texas to allow Texans go to Border States like Oklahoma and Louisiana to throw away their money when they could as well throw it away in Texas. In doing so, they contribute economically in tax contributions and employment. By the ways what is Texas trying to achieve by their strict stand against gambling. If we have citizens that bent on gambling and that are how they enjoy their selves, I see no reason to deprive them from doing this in Texas.